Entrepreneurial Success Stories | Entrenuity


Written by Randi Lee Craigen | Mar 8, 2021 11:00:00 AM


Overflow Coffee held its Grand Opening Feb 2021 during Black History Month, nearly two years after turning off the espresso machine in the former State Street location. Many obstacles and delays kept us from relaunching in our new space sooner. Still, we overcame them all to open during Black History month in a historic building with a rich history of Black excellence.

Overflow reopened at 1449 S Michigan Ave–the former headquarters of Vee-Jay records. This Black-owned record company made a space for Black talent to prosper in the white-dominated music industry in the 50's and 60's. Pictured on the shop's back wall is the original Vee-Jay executive team: James Bracken, Ewert Abner, Vivian Carter-Bracken, and Calvin Carter, who initiated Vee-Jay Records' rise to acclaim. Overflow Coffee is proud to call this historic location home and honor Vee-Jay Records' legendary contribution to the music industry throughout the space.

Now more than ever, Overflow Coffee exists to push away the social stigmas of our generation and propel today's people—artists, visionaries, and entrepreneurs, alike—to greater heights by welcoming them with a seat at the table, a cup of coffee, and a space to simply be. To belong, regardless. This is Overflow Coffee, a space to prosper.